Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bipolar and Religion

Did you know that studies show that in combination with medication and talk therapy that religion and spirituality have been known to be important tools in improving quality of life? I personally have found great comfort in practicing my religion and in prayer. Knowing that I have God in my corner has helped me immensely.

Hyper-religiosity is often a symptom of mania. So, how do you tell if your new found spirituality is a symptom of your bipolar and not just you? For me, I pushed back against religion for a long time. I thought I couldn’t be religious and bipolar, and then when I started getting into religion I worried it was a symptom.

I spent a lot of time with myself, thinking and reading. Trying to find answers. And I did find them. I can be religious and bipolar. Being bipolar is not a punishment like I believed it was for a long time. I can have a relationship with God and it help me with my bipolar. It brings me peace.

I still go to my doctor, take my medications, and participate in therapy, but I also pray and read the Bible. My walk with my religion has helped me tremendously. The peace it brings me is indescribable. Psalms 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” To me this is saying God is near and here for me, that he is listening and knows. I am not alone.

The comfort I find in my faith grows daily. Talking with God has helped me find some of my triggers, it also helps with my anxiety of the unknown. I still struggle with giving it all to God, but I am working on it. I can say though, that knowing God is with me, has helped with my stability. I am not alone.

I recently opened up about my struggles with my church group and how accepting they were honestly surprised me. They listened and we prayed together. I answered their questions as they asked. It was a beautiful time for me, knowing that I had a community behind me if I needed them. 

The older I get and the more I learn about my bipolar, the more open I am with my struggles and journey. I want the world to know that I am willing to share my struggles openly. I want to help others grow. That’s why I started writing, to build this platform and safe place for people to share their struggles and what helps them. Maybe we can help each other.

I encourage you to discuss your experiences with religion, the good and the bad. Let us help each other in our walks in faith. God 

Bipolar and Religion

Did you know that studies show that in combination with medication and talk therapy that religion and spirituality have been known to be i...